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Myths about using Essential Oils with Pets

Today I will be discussing some myths about using Essential oils with your animals. There is a lot of information out there that is confusing and contradictory. I have had experience working with Essential Oils for well over 7 years and have connected with an Alternative Veterinary who highly recommends essential oil remedies for her client's pets.

Not all oils are the same. So having said that, it is imperative that you do your research and speak with your veterinarian in regard to the health of your pet. There are a lot of synthetic oils which are very harmful not only to your pets but to yourself as well. These are the oils that should never be used in the presence of your beloved pets. Dr. Janet Roark is very competent as a holistic veterinarian and the only oils she used with her pets are doTerra. They have a Veterinarian Advisory Board full of veterinarians that use oils in their practices. However, you still need to be careful by giving them an out when diffusing essential oils around them.

Myth #1 - Using Essential Oils causes Kidney and Liver Damage

If you are using low-quality essential oils, yes this can occur. However, when using a THERAPEUTIC GRADE Essential Oil, we have seen that certain oil can SUPPORT the kidneys and liver. When you are trying to determine whether essential oils cause kidney and/or liver damage, there are a lot of things to consider: the source of the oil, how it was used, how long it was used, prior health conditions, bloodwork results, and physical exam findings. Of course, most of this data is not available to you reading these stories on the internet and some are simply looking for someone or something to blame. It's a good idea to seek veterinary care and use serial bloodwork with the use of Essential Oils to monitor prior health conditions and ongoing health conditions with the use of Essential Oils as tools of support.

Myth #2 - Lavender is Toxic to Cats.

This is not the case. Lavender has been safely used for a long time with cats. Spike Lavender may be dangerous but is not typically used around cats. According to a 1988 article, an insecticide spray that contained linalool, d-limonene, and piperonyl butoxide may cause toxicity in cats. In this case, the insecticide was very concentrated and further did not use Essential Oils. It is also worth noting that this article is more than 30 years old. Another article referenced the toxicity of linalool against the cat FLEA (not the cat itself). You MUST ALWAYS DILUTE the Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil and by doing this you will not have any problems with Lavender Essential Oil.

These are a few myths that are out there. Essential oils have been extremely beneficial for the health of your animals. My recommendation is to search for Dr. Janet Roark on the internet and do your own research. The other is to speak with your veterinarian and also find a Certified Animal Aromatherapist to discuss your concerns.


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